Friday, February 18, 2011


Ohai people! My last signed-in was Feb2.
So its been a long while... Oops.
I missed out a lot,do i?
Update me please and thank you.

Life's been tiring lately. Like...i had gone through a lot.
I err..problems with school la issssh.
My name was on the school notice board today. Discovered yourself -.-*
Heyheyhey i got so many to tell last nite when i decided to blog but now
holy shit my mind stay empty again. Or i switched the wrong mode?Wth zzz

All the joys have to come to an end. So here comes the exams,the most irritating part.No more skipping classes and outings so more often.Be homebaby and do more revisions!I did started,a lil bit ha-ha-ha. I want a good and bright future,so fight more harder a lil bit. And im doing quite well for the past few days! Be proud muahaha.

Well well well...
and. Will be less updates then usually i do. Once a week maybe? Hmm...
Enough for me to write about my nothingelselife life.
Its because i will need to attend tuition classes. From march onwards
Mom is not gonna hire a private home teacher for me anymore. Too
My last attending to a tuition class was when i was 15. Has been such a long period time... :[
Hope you won't miss me that much! =)

Finally check this out.

Get set#

Reach the sky!#

Always have a great awesome moments with my girls,love you guys so so muchieee.
Stay tunned for the coming march holidays!
With love,goodnight.

Quite upset today.
Why can't i grow taller? I lost my chances..
not going to talk much about this.
And im keeping my hair long again now. Teeheee!bTill the shoulder :)
Not much hairstyles that i can play with,in a length like this i mean.
But a short hair is really really easy to take care of and to set,still satisfied tho..


Saturday, February 5, 2011


今天就懒散一点 容我写些有的没的。
我很喜欢上来这里,虽然都是在自言自语但是没有关系 因为在这里没有所谓的对错,一句话自由。也就是那个自由,我豁出去了 哎 往事不堪回首* 这几天下来我的世界好像一直在转。一下往前一下往后。我都昏了。往前 让我对未来很有憧憬 相反的往后一步 就会再一次陷入挣扎 很多很多的挣扎,都是无谓的哈哈!女生嘛 谁不爱胡思乱想? 对自己好就是了 :-)
又是自打嘴巴的一段话。我对自己好? 但说真的又没有很好
因为我很喜欢想,很无聊的想一大堆 然后再来觉得喘不过气了,大哭小哭什么都来。最常有的就是觉得全世界都对不起自己, emo到不行。一个他不要我 就会变成整个世界的错 有够白痴的我也知道。算了吧 因为都说今天是来乱的啊哈!
还有。最近爱情不景气阿!身边的朋友都喜欢找我聊起各自的感情世界 有很甜蜜的 也有很悲哀的 也有在悬崖边徘徊的。说来说去 在恋爱中的 就已经让我很羡慕了。爱情往往会有问题 大多只有一个原因 那就是不够坦白。一开始不坦白难道接下来你会吗 我不相信。有例外我就不知道了* 还有一个很 很 很 我也不会形容的感觉 就是 :经一事长一智 促成我婆婆妈妈的个性 所以我很讨厌这句话。该死的应该高兴还是伤心告诉我?我很乱阿,真的很乱
很不想不想错过任何一个东西任何一个人 因为觉得生命短暂 可贵。同时又很害怕 真的很害怕 你们是同一类人。相同样的路再走一次?想都不敢想 我没有那个勇气 因为觉得我会死掉。
要怪就怪爱情太美好了 我觉得人人都应该拥有。最起码, 轰轰烈烈的一次,刻骨铭心的一次,哭爹喊娘的一次。哈哈省略掉后面那句*

婆妈一点不吃亏啦对不对 !? 气死我了

Friday, February 4, 2011



My visitors are decreasing.
Any problems? Not more then 20 visitors i have today...
Anyhow,am going to update everyday fro
m now onwards,10days at least,continuously.

As for today,the 2nd day of cny. Eeee,dislike it dislike it
Why? Come i tell you.
Went to mommy's side and after that to daddy's side. Visiting every relatives. Then. many 'sam gu lok po' were there...ok lah they were mostly my..aunt. Im
sorry to say that.
I hate the way they talk. So mean and rude. Hard for me to ignore their words. From my hair to toe,nothing were perfect. ? ! What the hell is going on huh? I AM SO PISSED OFF. I told mommy everything and she just kept on 'haih-haih-ing', Then she suggested maybe i can go have some shopping? So i left the house in the noon. With my sis along ;'(

Headed to queens for
movies,ta-daaa. Release my anger a lil bit AT LEAST.
Awww... the mall was crowded with people,a lotsa people. Almost phailed to get a movie cus im so
so lazy to Q up. Haha, a great thanked to yijuntan for doing all this stuff. She loves me so muchieee!
was considering ~ ...
Jun! We have to Q up so long.
坚持到底. We were late at least 20 minutes. Somemore sit seperately one, zz. Neway karaoke session was one of the choice... but junnie refused,bo huat*I LOVE HONG KONG,was the movie of the day. Was very very funny but i almost fell asleep. Why,cus i laughed alone all the time. So silly. Yijuntan seems enjoyed so much ALONE
p/s. I can hardly ask junnie to shop with me. She ain't a good shopping mate ;(

whats for tomorrow. Aha?

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Spot me?

Its new year time now. Weeee!
Please take good care of yourself everyone. Go away sicknessss!
I had a great reunion dinner last night. Steamboat. Yea chinese
favourite :-)
And here comes the first day of cny.
Received more then 10 red packets already and im goin to collect more

Hey guys. The weather is weird.? Do you feel it?

NY time should be HOT,really hot i mean. But now seems to be cloudy..
Whatever,the Earth is sick. So go recycle everyone! Yea,
me myself too.

Those anuty and uncles, lil girl and boy just left and is freaking free right n
Everything has cleared up. Pointless suddenly.
Hmm, there are still hours to go before my so-called-second-time-reunion-dinner in my aunt's house. Usually my schedule is full and rush instead of sitting here typing a
new entry,ha-ha-ha.
Guessed I will stay indoor for the entire day. Cloudy,but still hot. *Im stepping on my own foot silly girl. Yea la,everyone refused to go out of the house, and for me? I want movies
but hello i know its impossible to get a ticket rite now. So so so,east and west,home is the best :-D

Pandada is just to get know a new friend. Pipi!

which one the cutest ?!

Sorry for the bad quality picture below. Its phailed so just look at me will do HAHA but this is my favourite last one!
Quite many french-kisses that PIPI gave me huh... will miss you lil one,stay handsome and healthy okay. Mwah ~

Hope you guys like it.
Thats all for the day and i will make as much updates as i can okay.