Tuesday, March 22, 2011

March Twenty-Two.

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A short update here since im bored.
Was waiting for someone.. hemm phone calls.
what take so long for you to c
all back!

Well. Here are something for the dear SOMEBODY :
I can be kind,friendly and nice to everyone.Especially my classmates. I love all of you and what i want in back will be only a word peace.Don't against each other can? Somebody,a very huge somebody is getting more and more irritated.Backstabbers are cheap. Don't make me a fool. Im not smart but ain't idiot. Everything has its own limits there.
Beware. I might bite you back!

This will be a busy week for me and my class since the annual class song competition is around the corner. Looking so so forward! Hopes that we can get into the final! finger crossed*
Have to admit that,yea i absent a lot during the rehersal. Sorry class
But hey i can perform really well in what im in charge of.
Such like t-shirts design =D

Bet you'll like it.

So..any of you are coming for the final which held at the 16th of april 2011?
Eeeeee too early for me to ask correct. Sorry was too excited to think about it. My baby girls are confirmed attend. So happy to have their support tho we are not the best..yet.
Don't you ever ignore my 'yet' word. *evil signs*

Do come and support us!

March has come to an end. Time flies!
See you soon APRIL